Tuesday 16 November 2010

Ross Ching: Running on Empty

What if, tomorrow, everyone’s car disappeared?

Originally a concept by Matt Logue, Empty LA

Ross Ching took Matt Logue’s still photography concept and applied it to something that he did best — time lapse photography. He built a story around the idea of people in LA being shackled to a ball and chain; a love-hate relationship with whom they spend so much time with there in LA.

The video he has created consists of long time exposure photos and photoshop effects so anything that moves "disappears", combined with a time lapse effect "it gives you that beautiful eerie feel of a city devoid of any human life after some kind of wipe out, Destruction or something else." - Immo Blaese

Ross Ching: Running on Empty 2010

Ross Ching: Running on Empty Video:

Ross Ching: Running on Empty

Matt Logue: Empty LA

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