Tuesday 16 November 2010

David Bowen - Tele-present wind

The wind is a universal natural phenomena, and it's usually associated with weather conditions and forecasts. But it is still perceived as almost unforeseeable and invisible except for its physical impact on plants and for its sibilant sound. Wind has two characteristics in common with the virtual environment: the complexity of conditions needed to be generated (so, often being unforeseeable) and its proliferation in an incorporeal dimension, so being invisible in reality.

tele-present wind is the latest installation by interactive artist david bowen.
the piece consists of 21 x/y tilting devices that are connected to dried plant stalks inside the gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors.
as the stalk outside begins to sway in the wind, the forces on it are measured by the accelerometer, which transmits the data in real time to the stalks inside.
this forces the tilting device to mimic the swaying of the plant outside so that all the stalks are in-sync.

David Bowen: Tele-Present 2008

kinetic, robotic and interactive sculptural works

David Bowen: Tele-present Wind Video

David Bowen: Website

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